====== The Centre ====== ===== Boo-Boo’s Patcher-Upper Clinic ===== Even when most injuries are temporary and pain only a cartoon emotion, there needs to be someone taking care of anything [[system:injuries|lasting]]. And that’s why Boo-Boo’s Patcher-Upper Clinic is open 24/7, ready to help the citizens of the Island. The Clinic itself is run by a ghostly immigrant from the far-off land of the [[setting:other_locations#the_noviet_union|Noviet Union]], Dr. Boo-Boo. For that reason, this place has a slightly different vibe to the rest of the Island… but it’s a welcoming and reliable place nonetheless, and anyone who's been treated here knows it’s the best place to get healed right up. But there’s one thing keeping people away, and that’s the terrifying visage of the ghost-doctor himself. The cute name is an attempt to get more patients in, but for some reason, people still have a tendency to avoid this friendly clinic. Dr. Boo-Boo just sighs, and goes back to ordering his supplies. When a patient comes by, this doctor will always be prepared. Notable NPCs: ^ NPC ^ Pronouns ^ Description ^ | Dr Boo-Boo | He/They | Whatever ails you, Dr Boo-Boo is here to help. That is, if you're not too scared to approach this ghostly doctor!| ===== The Rat-Race ===== {{ setting:rat_race.jpg?400|}} This whistling wedge of Swiss cheese is the fine establishment known as the Rat-Race. The hollow buzz of the hard-working mice employed there pervades the establishment -- a familiar chittering as they write up bank notes and make exchanges on the daily, chatting it up with customers who are more notably well-off. The holes that lead out into the open air provide the somewhat smelly space with a suitable amount of air conditioning, all while the tiny creatures click and clack away on their cracker keyboards. Lunch breaks are few and far between, so some workers have resorted to nibbling on their technology (and even the walls) while they do their accounting. Occasionally, if they're lucky, Employees of the Month are offered cans of dried sardines to snack on. They're usually not a fan favourite (at least, not to the mice); cheese and crackers just happen to be right for any occasion. When the shifts for the day are finally over, all the dutiful workers squabble back into their sanctioned mouse holes built into the walls and hang up their tiny little coats and bowler hats, preparing once again for another day of providing the citizens of Pencilvania with those sweet, sweet clams. Speaking of "clams", it might be time to commemorate the Big Fish, Finn Skull, the guy who's made this operation all possible, and the one who keeps the town fresh and debt-free! Just... make sure you don't look down. Our glass floor gives you a wonderful view of our exquisite aquarium tank, filled to the brim with all of those sinisterly eager Loan Sharks. Some of the tiles built into the surface of the floor might be a bit rickety, but you don't need to worry about that! Just make sure you pay off your coupons and give us back our loans for whatever items you want to buy out there! We //really// don't want this to get ugly -- honest! Notable NPCs: ^ NPC ^ Pronouns ^ Description ^ | Ray | She/They | A scoundrel raccoon who just doesn't know what the whole deal is. Everyone is always under the impression that she's going to steal something! What if all they're doing is just... I don't know, //looking?//| | Finn Skull | He/Him | Not many see this Great White and live to tell the tale. At least, not without a good beatdown, a scrap, a tussle of sorts. You //don't// want to be on the receiving end of the head honcho of the Loan Sharks -- trust me.| ===== The Snake’s Eyes ===== {{setting:snakes_eyes.jpg?190 |}} Woah, woah, //woah// there, pal! This club isn't just for any old schmuck, you see -- this one's got a **password**. You get that, Buster? Look, it doesn't matter if your name isn't //actually// Buster, just scram, will you? Come back once you think you've found it, though something tells me your chances won't be too high. Of course, that's what the dice are for. Good luck! //Buster...// Notable NPCs: ^ NPC ^ Pronouns ^ Description ^ | Rattler Jack | He/Him | A name that has caused many a whisker to twitch and teeth to chatter in fright. No one really //knows// the guy - he's an enigma no one can confidently say they've met. But, at the same time, **everyone** knows at least a bit about him. Once you see the chips flying and hear the startled squeaks of raucous delight, you'll know he must have been there, guiding another loyal customer's weary hand.| | Ricky the Rat| He/They | A bartender at the Snake's Eyes, always up for bartering. Be careful, though; try not to point out his round ears and small stature...|