Deadbeat Dan

IC Pronouns: he/him
Player Name: Luke P.
Player Pronouns: he/him
Character Appearance: Deadbeat Dan is a skeleton. Y'know, like what's inside humans?

'Can you play his ribcage like a xylophone?' He's never heard that one before! Do you write all your own material? Im-pressive! (Dead-pan glance at the audience)

Sometimes you can really see the thoughts rattling around inside his cranium. He gets paid by the thought. If only the writers were so lucky, huh?

You may also have seen a slender figure in a trenchcoat and fedora, with rather pale skin. This figure has nothing to do with Deadbeat Dan, and allegations to the contrary are the ranting of conspiracy-mongers and losers.

Character Biography: Those who were around in the early seasons of the Show might remember Deadbeat Dan as a red-nosed, shabby-coated gambler who was always winning big then losing and getting into debt, often having to run away from the loan sharks. One day, he tripped and fell hilariously, and they got him.

But being eaten was not the end. Deadbeat Dan rose again on Dr Boo-Boo's operating table, freed from his outer shell, his mortal wants and desires. Now gloriously skeletal, he is no longer the underdog, the butt of every joke. He's freed from the wheel of fortune and physical needs. He is cool as a cucumber, responding to other people's jokes with dead-pan meta-humour. He's on top of the world.

He's still a working stiff, though. Dan is a dream shepherd, collecting thoughts and feelings in his cranium and ribcage, and bringing them to the Kruisin' Castle.

Lately, somebody wearing something rather like the trenchcoat he used to wear in the olden days has been showing up, face concealed by a wide fedora. Dan says it's just an in-joke for the old timers.