Duck Duck Goose

IC Pronouns: He/Him
Player Name: William B
Player Pronouns: He/Him
Character Appearance: Duck Duck Goose is a well-dressed Canadian Goose wearing a tuxedo and bowtie.

Character Biography: The name's Goose. Duck, Duck Goose. I'm an international spy hunting down an evil criminal syndicate heck bent on destroying the world– but of course, if I told you anything more than that, I'd have to unalive you. In the meantime, let me buy you a drink: we'll have two orange juices, shaken, not stirred. Oh, and could you add the little umbrellas into them please? Now the thing about me is, I've been just about everywhere, done just about everything. Left a trail of sleeping bodies and broken hearts in my wake. But now I've got just one more mission before my mandated retirement. And I'm hoping you can help me make it a good one.