Lil' Clucker

IC Pronouns: They/them
Player Name: Ace D
Player Pronouns: They/he

Character Appearance: The laboratory lanyard hanging about the neck may say Professor Frederick Duffle, but the glazed look of pinprick pupils and trail of birdseed across a remarkably crumpled white shirt say… well, they say pigeon. Body-swapped pigeon. While, from a distance, Lil’ Clucker appears to be your average slightly-crazed scientist, their gentle coos and avian strut indicate there may be more to this fellow than meets the eye.

Character Biography: A recent addition to The Show, Lil’ Clucker was introduced as the plucky (or should I say, clucky) pigeon test subject/sidekick to renowned ornithologist by the name of Prof. Duffle. Our feathered friend had the surprise of their life, however, when one wild, wacky, and ethically-dubious experiment went terribly wrong, and left them trapped within the very body of their captor.