Periwinkle the Panda Pixie

IC Pronouns: He/Him
Player Name: Kaiya
Player Pronouns: She/Her
Character Appearance: Periwinkle is physically looks like a panda cub, though he is an adult, but where typical pandas are black and white, periwinkle is a light blue and white panda. His eye splotches are shaped like hearts and so are the pink pads of his paws. In addition, he has a pair of wings that look like the wings of the Ulysses Swallowtail Butterfly. When he flies, sparkles shimmer off of his wings.

Character Biography: Periwinkle the Panda Pixie was the faithful sidekick of Princess Primrose for many seasons, starting in Primrose's 2nd season on the show. He helped her defeat many bad guys who wanted to make the people of Pencilvania perpetually sad or perpetually mad at other people. A few seasons back Princess Primrose had her curtain call, sacrificing herself to become one with the universe to defeat the evil Happiness Snatcher to ensure everyone would be capable of having happy days. Since then, Periwinkle has been searching for new adventures and friends to tag along with.