Table of Contents


The Basics

As a member of the crew of That's All Folks! you will be a vital part of bringing the world to life and helping to create a dynamic, busy environment for players to play in. You'll be involved in a variety of things, including:

Playing NPCs

There are a lot of exciting NPCs up for grabs, from ones more heavily involved in a plot to ones which are hanging out and having a good time making mischief. While you may have spotted some NPCs described elsewhere on the wiki, the wiki collection is not exhaustive.

So, how are NPCs allocated? Importantly, the GMs want the game to be fun for you, too. While we will offer or assign roles based on the needs of the session, we will try and take personal preferences into account. NPC briefs will not be all-encompassing, so there will be plenty of chances to get creative with the roles you get. We encourage sparks of creativity, up to and including a full inferno of imagination.

On the flip-side, we don't want you to play an NPC you feel uncomfortable with. There is always the opportunity to refuse a role you're offered if it makes you uncomfortable for any reason. Ideally, please let us know why you're refusing a role so we can make sure to avoid giving you similar options in the future. However, you are under no obligation to explain or justify your choices. We trust you to refuse sensibly to maintain your comfort.

Adjudicating Activities

Players will not always be able to say how their actions play out. This may be because of interacting with the environment in a way the outcome might not be obvious, if they are trying to do something to an NPC, if they have a question, want to try a risky plan… There are plenty of possibilities, and the crew will usually be the first responders to these requests for adjudication.

When it comes to saying what happens, the crew will have secret guidance on how to decide what happens with player actions. Additionally, GMs will be available to weigh in as needed, particularly (but not exclusively!) for more metaphysical, plot-heavy, or generally messy scenarios.

Session Summaries

At the end of a session, when the dust has settled, it's time to summarise the shenanigans you got involved in. This is to help the GMs understand where plots are up to, whether any adjustments are needed by GMs, and add or remove stuff based on how players are engaging. In short, this is for GMs to recalibrate and adjust. Summaries will be done via documents shared after the end of session.

GM Gratitude


When Can You Crew?

Crewing from the Start

On the sign-up form for the game1), the first page gives you the option to sign up as crew from the beginning of the game. You will be able to state preferences on the form, and let us know if there are any sessions you are not available for.

This form can be used after the ballot closes on July 12th. However, since this is also the character creation form, we will be closing it on July 13th. Not to worry if you miss this cutoff - you can still email the GM team at to sign up to crew. You can sign up to crew at any point, including after the game starts - there is no deadline to sign up to crew!

Crewing after Curtain Call

After your character's Curtain Call, you will be given the option to join the game's crew, creating mischief, mayhem, melodrama, merriment, and many other things for the remaining characters on the show. Depending on when in the session your Curtain Call takes place, you may be able to start as a member of crew during the same session.

When you join the crew, we will ask you which plots or areas of the game you would like to be involved in, such as:

That said, please bear in mind:

Do I Have to Crew after Curtain Call?

No. We can't make you do anything you don't want to do - and we wouldn't want to! This is a game and we want you to have fun playing it. If you know that crewing would not be a fun way for you to play the game, you can always turn down the option.

Do I Have to Crew Every Session?

No. Once you are a member of the crew, you cannot be a player in subsequent sessions. However, once you become crew, you don't have to be available for every single session. Let the GMs know if there are any sessions you can't do.