Table of Contents



That's All Folks! has only been possible thanks to the work of its GMs:


Many thanks also goes to our playtesters, who were instrumental in picking up on errors, oversights, inconsistencies and potential problems that we were creating for ourselves down the line, whether large or small:

Other Members and Games

Thanks is also due to previous RPGSoc games both official and unofficial, from which we've taken wording and inspiration:

We also wish to thank whichever members of the Society wrote the timeless 'Intro to the Wiki System' page, which doesn't seem to have changed much in at least 10 years, as well as all those contributors over many past games who have iteratively improved the Society Game format – we are ever grateful!

Image Credits

The art on these pages is sourced from many places, and we always seek to give artists their proper credit. If you have a question about the origin of any specific art on the wiki, just ask! That said, here's a preliminary list of where our art is sourced from: