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Other Locations

The Noviet Union

Some characters in Pencilvania are just a little bit different. They may have a fuzz about them, or be sampled from a slightly different colour palette, or look oddly familiar in that way a distant cousin does… but it’s nothing to worry about; these characters are just from the Noviet Union. This land is far away from the Island, but plenty of characters come by to make their debut in Pencilvania. Many characters of folklore, and a great many wolves, hail from here.

Some of the Writers wished to imbue the Show with the style of cartoons from their childhood. Just as the rest of the Show is written with love, so too are characters inspired by this nostalgia.

Notable NPCs:

NPC Pronouns Description
Dr Boo-Boo He/They Whatever ails you, Dr Boo-Boo is here to help. That is, if you're not too scared to approach this ghostly doctor!
Misha She/Her This bear is the best athlete in the world, and she's ready to prove her grrrreatness.
Zlo the Wolf He/Him This wolf is big and bad and definitely not a wimp. Ah! Just don't sneak up on him like that!

Whapiro, the Citadel of Hope

Beyond the fringes of Pencilvania's bountiful and roiling saltwater ocean lies another bizarre world, a kind where the power of friendship is a tangible force, and dastardly, dramatic monologues are standard fare. Herein lies Whapiro, a chaotic epicenter of shounen and shoujo madness alike, where the prospective young students of Pencil High seek to prove their own unique talents under the watchful eye of Principal Hareta Inu. He has been in search of the Great Akaiinishin, a resplendent fish that has escaped his paws for several millennia, said to grant the wish of anyone who successfully acquires it.

Yet he is not the only one with his eyes on such a magnificent prize. Tsuki Neko, the Wispy Witch of Wishes (and Hareta's former lover), was cast out of Pencil High into the impenetrable plane of darkness beyond the city. She will stop at nothing to claim a power that she feels is rightfully hers…even if it comes at the cost of granting more gullible students their own “wishes” and corrupting them in pursuit of her goal. In the wake of this mad chase, some students have been granted permission to attend an exchange programme in Pencilvania, to observe life from a bit of a different perspective…

Notable NPCs:

NPC Pronouns Description
Hareta Inu He/Him The esteemed principal of Pencil High, and the guardian of its Spotlight. He is prone to citing monologues of the most exceptional length. Make sure you listen, though —- otherwise you’ll miss the important flashbacks!
Tsuki Neko She/Her The nefarious Wispy Witch of Wishes, and the only teacher in Pencil High’s history who has been properly exiled. Even now, she lingers within the shadows, waiting for a suitable moment to pounce…
Soichi Tamahara He/Him A weary and boastful high-school student with a lot to learn. If your psyche can handle it, he might regale you of his valiant, virtual adventures in Planes of Raiding, which were enacted all from the safety of his bedroom.
Rapscalia Ephellette She/They A skilled and dutiful swordswoman who has taken on young Soichi as her squire. Despite his near-constant bouts of whining and complaining, they still believe that he carries great potential. If only he would think about the task at hand instead of the crisps he was never able to buy from the convenience store.
Yoru Mimi She/Her A rather mercurial young sorceress who has taken a liking to discovering what makes everyone in this wacky world tick. But you didn't hear that from her. Regardless, she probably figures that you want to learn more…


In placing the Noviet Union and Whapiro in That's All Folks!, we want to pay homage to certain influential eras of cartoons with a humorous tone. As the Conduct and Themes page highlights, these are not intended to be direct representations of real historical events and people, and should not be treated as such.

For inspirations on the Noviet Union, check out:

And for Whapiro: