Table of Contents

Example Characters

Below are some example characters. These are meant to serve as illustrations of the kind of character that can be made for That's All Folks! as well as show how to use the Mechanics.

Example 1

OC Name: Bob T

OC Pronouns: He/Him

Character Name: Sudster Clean

Character Pronouns: He/It

Archetype: Grouchy Cleaner

Tagline/Catchphrase: -

How long has your character been on the show?: For a middling amount of time

Character Description: A body consisting of a mop with stickman-like arms and legs.

Public Bio: The name's Sudster. You made a mess on the wall there? Of course you did. No one ever thinks about the people who have to clean up after the- why is the house now flooded with custard?

Private Bio: Sudster is a slightly grumpy but well meaning sentient mop. It is determined to clean up after the messes everyone causes with their cartoon hijinks, wiping up goop, patching up broken walls, and generally trying to reset things in his scenes to be spotless. This means that he often gets in the way of others plans, disrupting them if they're performing a particularly messy task. It has pretty good senses and can usually spot a mess being made, but is pretty obvious to see coming and avoid (or cause problems for).

What has brought your character joy on the show?: In his first series, Sudster was able to drain the town after it got flooded. It was pretty happy about that.

What has brought your character sadness on the show?: Every time that someone downs a can of spinach without remembering to clean up the can.

What does your character want to do before their curtain call?: Keep the Frowntain clean for a whole day, by any means necessary.

Abilities: Gorm - (+) You have superhuman sight; Gorm - (+) Once per hour, you may ask a character if they are telling the truth. They must answer honestly; Wits - (+) You have encyclopaedic knowledge you can draw on. You may spend 1 Zip to ask the GMs for the solution to a problem; Sneakiness - (-) Crew and GMs are free to alert people to your actions and status any time they like; Sneakiness - (-) You must honestly answer any question you are asked IC

Cartoon Logics: Artistic Liberty (+); It Says Gullible (-)

Writing Conventions: Tom (-); Place of Refuge (+)

Playstyle Quirks: Expect The Unexpected; Make Me Cry; Slow Burn

OC Notes: Sudster might not be able to succeed at his goal, but that's ok. It's fun for me to see him try, and maybe to cause a bit of chaos for other people.

Example 2

OC Name: Harriet M

OC Pronouns: She/He/They

Character Name: Mac E. Velly

Character Pronouns: Any

Archetype: Generic Trader

Tagline/Catchphrase: -

How long has your character been on the show?: Since the Beginning

Character Description: A human in a suit, with a head three times as big as normal.

Public Bio: Mac is a businessperson within the community of Pencilvania, constantly seen milling around the shops. Most of the other shopkeepers know her, constantly seen talking about strange things such as “equity” and “synergies”. Very little is known about his origin however, or what he does outside trading hours.

Private Bio: Mac is a duplicitous deceiver, trying to undermine the shopkeepers with faulty goods, and establish a monopoly over trade in Pencilvania. Although physically weak, her skills and experience allow a constant supply of income, as well as the ability to make shoddy equipment (traded through multiple channels to obfuscate the original creator) sold for overpriced fees.

What has brought your character joy on the show?: Proving their brother Niccolo that they were the more successful twin.

What has brought your character sadness on the show?: The External Revenue System seized many of his assets a few seasons back, and he's been frustrated at this ever since.

What does your character want to do before their curtain call?: Buy out every single shop, of course.

Abilities: Prestige - (+) You have a source of income, either from wage labour, land or capital. (day trading business); STEAM - (+) You can gather Components and create Items as listed in the Item recipes; Prestige - (+) You are great at getting leverage over people. Say how your power of “persuasion” manifests. You may spend 1 Zip to ask someone to do something (effectively “buying them out” and getting them to do what he wants); STEAM - (-) Everything you make is very… fragile. Items you make always only have one charge; Gumption - (-) You receive devastating Injuries from being bludgeoned

Cartoon Logics: None

Writing Conventions: None

Playstyle Quirks: Mayfly; Heeeeeeey, Nurse!

OC Notes: -