Writing Conventions

You may take zero, one, two, or three writing conventions, but the total score must add up to zero. This can be achieved in multiple ways, such as by taking three neutrals (0), or a positive (+) and a negative (-).


Tom (-): No matter what, things never seem to go just the right way. There’s usually some hidden catch, or secondary effect, or thing keeping your goal just out of sight. While this does not prevent you from succeeding, you will have to go through extra steps to achieve things you want.
This cannot be taken alongside We Can Make Do (+).

We Can Make Do (+): When you need to get something done quickly by cutting corners, you can do it. You are resourceful and capable, and can achieve things with slightly less than should be required. While this does not make failure impossible, it will limit the number of complications you get and hoops you need to jump through to succeed at certain tasks.
This cannot be taken alongside Tom (-).

Tangled Plotlines (+ OR -): Your story is inherently tied with an NPC in some way. You tend to get moments together, and you’ll get your Curtain Call together. Name the NPC, and describe your relationship.
The nature of this relationship determines the effects that you get. A positive relationship might correspond to a best friend, constantly ready to help you out in situations. A negative relationship might be with a personal nemesis, always trying to disrupt your plans.

Centre of the Action (0): No matter where you go, stuff always seems to happen there. It’s not always clear why, but random and crazy events go off when you’re nearby.

Irresistible Lure (-): You have a certain thing that you simply must have, and its mere presence can cause you to act irrationally. Decide what that thing is and why you want it (it can be just because). If it is present and not in your possession in a Scene you will probably fail anything other than trying to obtain it.

The Underdog (+): Despite the circumstances, despite overwhelming force, you seem to get on top of things. You may ignore one thing per conflict that says you automatically fail it, such as an Ability Effect or an Item.
This cannot be taken alongside Harder they Fall (-).

Harder they Fall (-): You can plan things out meticulously, but you usually seem to be beaten so easily. If you ever lose a conflict, the Injury you receive will become Lasting or potentially be more severe, becoming one that removes you from the Scene instead of just having a negative consequence.
This cannot be taken alongside The Underdog (-).

I Didn’t Think That Would Happen (0): Your actions tend to lead to more extreme effects, whether positive or negative for you.

What Does Thiiiis Button Do? (-): Whether the sign says “Do not press the big red button”, “Leave precariously balanced boulder in place” or “No Swimming”, when faced with an instruction you can see no clear reason to obey, you must try to do the opposite of it to the greatest extent reasonable. Crew and GMs may bring ones you are not aware of to your attention.
This cannot be taken if your character is unable to read.

Somewhat Effable Plan (-): Your character has some knowledge of the Writer’s plan for them. From the character’s perspective this allows them to change their fate, although of course the Writers wrote their responses to this knowledge… Specify what your character knows about the Writer’s intentions for them, and how they plan to react to it.

Always a Way Out (+): Even when the chips are down, you can still find your way to safety. Once per session, when you are stuck in a difficult situation, you can petition the GMs for an escape route, suitable distraction, or other Deus Ex Machina. This can let you move to a safe location, but does not allow you to win any conflicts you were escaping from, it just stops them.

Grand Designs (-): Throughout your time on the show, you have been working behind the scenes on something. It might have been a giant robot to take over the town, it might have been a revolutionary new transport system, but it's not finished yet. With time running out, you're going to try your hardest to get this thing finished.
Describe what exactly you are working to achieve, and why you want it. Note that more ambitious projects may require significantly more things, and may not be possible to complete before your Curtain Call.

Place of Refuge (+): You have your own secret location somewhere in Pencilvania. It is somewhere that has been quite important to your character's journey, and may offer limited mechanical benefits.
Describe what the location is, why it is important to you, and whether anyone else knows about it. You may suggest some mechanics for it, but ultimately these will be up to the GMs to implement.

Team Player (+): You don't just get your strength from inside, it also comes from the people around you. When you have the assistance of an ally, you cannot automatically fail a conflict, and generally have better luck in achieving your goals.
This cannot be taken alongside Lone Wolf (-).

Lone Wolf (-): You work alone, and others just get in your way. When someone is trying to assist you in a conflict or task, you cannot automatically succeed, and their attempts at help generally introduce unwanted complications.
This cannot be taken alongside Team Player (+).

Not Ready Yet (-): There are simply too many wonderful things to see and do, and you feel like you have to do all of them. Give us a list of things your character feels like they need to do before their Curtain Call comes that you are confident they couldn't possibly do all of. We may ask you to add goals if we think it could be possible to achieve them all.

Shoulder To Cry On (+): Whether or not you encourage it, people who are upset always seem to find their way to you. Once per session you can remove a lasting psychological injury, such as Inconsolable, by talking through someone's issues with them for at least a three minutes.

Heirloom (+): It could be a clue to tangled conspiracy, some sort of super-science contraption or perhaps just a simple thing that captures what it is you shared, but someone has left you something. At some unknown point in the game you will receive an Item from an NPC that has had their Curtain Call. The further into the game this is the more impactful this item is likely to be. Let us know if you have preferences for what time you would like to receive it, if you have ideas about who it might come from and what significance you might like it to have to you.