
The Outer Areas

Welcome to the Bed O’Leaves! We hope you enjoy your stay in this massive residential district sprawled throughout the outskirts of Pencilvania!

The area is characterised by many winding roads, twisting in directions that eventually lead you to any other house you wish to go to, sometimes in ways that don’t particularly make sense… From any given point, you can only see five houses in front of you, and five houses behind. Vehicles are found dotted along the driveways connecting each house. The district is roughly split into two areas. The first is the most densely populated, spreading across many impressively steep hills. All houses on the streets are of varying shapes, sizes, and colours, meaning there is almost no cohesion between any two houses on the same stretch of grey concrete road. Most houses reflect the personalities of those who inhabit them – whether this is due to purposeful interior design or sheer coincidence is uncertain.

Meanwhile, towards the edges of the district, the roads suddenly seem much flatter, and the houses seem identical. These streets, despite the uniformity, seem to be more sparsely populated.

However, both areas are linked by one thing: each lovely home is surrounded by just the right amount of trees and provides the perfect amount of sunlight (as courtesy of Rey's exceptional talent for planting… and home renovation).

Notable NPCs:

NPC Pronouns Description
Rey Z. Home He/They A languid old turnip who works in the long line of real estate business. He often plants specially crafted seeds in the sandy ground, which then grow into ginormous houses! Just make sure you don't disrupt them when they're in the middle of a nap – he's just preparing for the winter season.
Gracie Gazelle She/Her Suburban mother and approximate humanoid gazelle with long, straight horns on her head. Gracie lives in the non-descript outskirts of the Bed O'Leaves. Yesterday she was a chef, today a doctor, tomorrow… who knows what her job even is at this point?
Freeze Pop They/Them A talkative, friendly ice cream who pops up around the Bed O'Leaves. Ice-cream van owner cruising the streets of the area ready to give you any flavour ice-cream you desire (as long as it's in the freezer today).
“Alfredo’s? Oh, you mean Freddy’s…? Recommend that place, especially the pizza al fredo.”

Adjacent to the Bed O’Leaves lies a large pizzeria; an establishment that caters to all who wish to dine here. Despite the sizeable lit-up signs on its roof and on the front of the building displaying ALFREDO’S, it quickly became affectionately known to the locals simply as ‘Freddy’s’. Nobody is too sure why or how it began; it just always has been.

Whatever the occasion, Alfredo’s is the place to go, whether that is birthday parties, date nights, family gatherings, and more! When there’s an outing to be had, you will easily find many fellow residents down in Alfredo’s: either as customers, or as part-time workers. The restaurant is owned by Alfredo, who doubles up as the main host of the restaurant, always keen to greet his guests and ensure they enjoy their evening.

The main dining area is home to many white tables, red sofas and chairs, and low hanging lighting creating that characteristic white glow of a small-town diner. There’s something oddly cosy about the place. And, don’t worry, the menu caters to all your wants and needs – not only do they serve pizzas, they also serve pasta, salads, burgers, and hotdogs to eat in or to go, along with a wide array of beverages and desserts. Whatever you wish to eat, Alfredo’s has it covered.

Although, they do say the entertainment on Fridays can get pretty… quirky…

Notable NPCs:

NPC Pronouns Description
Alfredo Fettuccine He/Any The hottest host and suave owner of the restaurant. A tall man with a wine-red flickering fire head atop a body dressed in a freshly pressed all-black suit. How many of you do I have the pleasure of serving this evening?

This busy, bumbling epicenter of travel serves as the bustling residence of the Thyme Keeper, and also whoever is tied to the tracks at any given time. If there's anywhere in the entire world you'd like to go (at least, anywhere within the constraints of the Island), this is your place! Just be absolutely certain you'll be able to make the time written on your ticket – the Thyme Keeper has no patience or respect for slowpokes. For this reason, xie has made it a point to keep the two Expresesame stops firmly distanced from the emphatic pull of the Police Stationary.

If you'd like to know the train's current route, just follow this incredibly simple step: DON'T. The truth of the matter is that the Thyme Keeper's schedule is anything but simple (or at least, it's nowhere near as simple as xie would let on.) It's abundantly rife with evident contradictions and boundless leaps in logic that it's probably better for you to remain blissfully ignorant, for the sake of your sanity. Trust me, by the time you've finally figured it out, the train will have already passed you by a hundred times over, leaving you squarely in the dust.

And that's only because xie has places to be! There are multitudes of things to do, and of course, there's always more and more loyal customers, just waiting to hitch a ride! Not even something as sturdy as a mountain could stop the flow of the train – in fact, the Thyme Keeper carries portable holes on xir person strictly for this reason. The train truly stops for nothing, not even the air! (Yes, there are tracks leading up to the Kruisin' Kastle in the sky. Yes, the Thyme Keeper lovingly hand-built all of them xirself.) All that's left to say is if you're one of the lucky few to hitch a ride, just sit back and relax…well, maybe not for too long, though. Otherwise you'll miss your stop. Again.

Notable NPCs:

NPC Pronouns Description
Thyme Keeper Xie/Xir A rabbit in a conductor's cap who is very keen to do xir job. Just make sure you're not in the way when xie is revising xir schedule.

Hidden away in the outskirts of Pencilvania lies a large green field, which, at first glance, you’d think would be abandoned. Despite the field not being far from the busy and bright city of Pencilvania, the lighting here is… darker. More ominous. You get the feeling that this isn’t somewhere to visit unless you have a very specific purpose.

Walking further into the field, you’ll notice a pungent smell: gorgonzola. Following the smell will lead you to a small hill in the centre of the field. Along this hill lie 158 small pebbles leading in a stair-like way from the bottom of the hill to a palm-sized stony crypt at the top. Although this crypt is small in size, it is well decorated, with pictures of rats and cheese all over its walls. It’s uncertain who lies in this crypt, but it is clearly well-kept, so someone visits it often. Especially since the cheese smell seems to be coming from this crypt…

If you look hard enough, you may even spot a small figure moving around in the field. It’s hard to tell who or what this figure is, as their face is covered by a dark cloak and mask. One thing’s for sure, though: they seem to act alone and can only be seen minutes before or after a Curtain Call. Maybe you could tempt them out at a different time with a slice of cheese?

Notable NPCs:

NPC Pronouns Description
??? ??? What seems to be a rat in a grim reaper's costume can been seen around the Mouseoleum just before or after a Curtain Call.
  • setting/the_outer_areas.txt
  • Last modified: 2024/07/07 20:06
  • by gm_conor