
'Aloe, Vera!

IC Pronouns: She/It
Player Name: Esther L
Player Pronouns: Any
Character Appearance: 'Allo, Vera! is a two-dimensional cartoon (suspiciously spiky) aloe vera potted plant. On closer inspection, 'Allo, Vera! has long lashes, tantalising green eyes, and sumptuous lips, but most of the time it just looks like a potted plant in the background.

Character Biography: 'Allo, Vera! is a potted cartoon aloe vera plant that is unexplainably always in the background. Every so often, the camera will zoom into 'Allo, Vera! with a shout of its name and a fanfare noise, revealing 'Allo, Vera!'s feminine features (i.e., long lashes and lips) on the cartoon plant. This was originally meant to advertise a sponsor's aloe vera facial wash, but over time the Writers decided that randomly having a sentient plant in the background was good comedic content. Since then, 'Allo, Vera! has been used for all manner of purposes, whether as a spiky hazard, adding a wry remark, or … erm.. swallowing unsuspecting characters.

  • bio/aloe_vera.txt
  • Last modified: 2024/07/15 21:50
  • by gm_elynor