
Bug the Clown

IC Pronouns: they/he
Player Name: Faith C.
Player Pronouns: she/her
Character Appearance: Bug the Clown is small, not tiny, but small, standing at 3ft 4 inches tall when they are wearing their striped party hat- and they are ALWAYS wearing their hat. From his cyan blue hair to the tips of his comically oversized red and yellow shoes this Clown is as colourful as the Circus they reside in. Coming from the early days of cartoons Bug’s design draws on the original RYB colour scheme, with one half of their billowing Clown costume being striped red and yellow, with the other a deep blue decked out in yellow stars. Their name is not just an allegory either, he has large staring eyes, two small antennae and colourful wings on his back- just like the Ladybug he was named for. His big painted grin, blue nose and two rosy cheeks are never seen without a smile.

Character Biography: With a BANG this Clown flies through the air- before falling straight back down with a HoNk and a bouncing sQueAk. Bug the Clown is a master of physical comedy- much more so than skilled Circus tricks. Although he may try to juggle flaming torches, or fly from trapeze to tightrope, he is more likely to slip on a banana peel, crash landing back into the arena. But no worries! A Clown always lands on their feet, and no matter what happens, there will be a bow and a smile to end the scene. Coming from the Ad Break Double Takes of the original show Bug still delights children and the other residents of Pencilvania alike. Originally a character that encouraged health and safety, this Clown is now has an adoring fandom that views him as a symbol of resilience, kindness and comedy in the face of adversity. The Bug Top Circus never closes, music never comes to a finish, and as such- Bug the Clown is never seen without a smile.

  • bio/bug_the_clown.txt
  • Last modified: 2024/07/16 09:19
  • by gm_konstantine