

IC Pronouns: she/her
Player Name: Georgia C. L.
Player Pronouns: she/her
Character Appearance: Elderwing is a massive dragon, with scales in a matte black that shimmer softly in the light of her flame. Her amber eyes are surprisingly human, a trick of the artists to make her seem just a little more personable. Her long tail and neck allow her to comfortably curl around a pile of treasure of just about any size, while her wings spread wide enough to provide plentiful shade over a reasonably-sized farm. She has an almost regal bearing, with the crest of horns atop her head and the way she holds her body.

Character Biography: Elderwing debuted in the first episode. Another cartoon lost a fight and blasted into the distance - where they fell into Elderwing's lair. A jet of flame soon followed as a penalty for the disturbance, and Elderwing stepped onto the show with a ferocious roar. She and the Kingdom of Mysteria were fleshed out through cutaway gags. She would kidnap Princess Aribelle Mysteria, and the brave knight Sir Arin Belle would venture out to rescue her. It took her an embaressingly long time to learn the obvious truth.

Mysteria got a dramatic sendoff in its only full episode, where Aribelle organised a team of knights to take the fight to Elderwing. Elderwing practically swatted the other knights aside. The princess drove her blade into Elderwing's claw, and the dragon flicked her off into her Curtain Call before claiming Aribelle's sword. The steel stood out in the sea of gold that was her hoard, but to Elderwing it was always the most precious.

Next season, Elderwing threatened Pencilvania. Her usual schtick was a scheme to steal some treasure or another, being one episode's star and unmentioned the next. This phase of the show bored Elderwing, though she got to know most of the cartoons she'd star alongside with over the next few years.

Then, she got to be the Big Bad. She set her eyes on the Keys to the City, and worked for years to get her talons on them. Finally, her master plan lead the heroes astray. She claimed the keys, returning with them to her lair.

Of course, the heroes followed. At the end of the fight, she took such a bonk to the head that she fell into a long, deep slumber. Now, Elderwing has awoken again and made her first tentative steps outside her lair…

  • bio/elderwing.txt
  • Last modified: 2024/07/16 00:24
  • by gm_dakota