
Woolma Cashmere

IC Pronouns: She/Her
Player Name: Sasha W.
Player Pronouns: They/It (She/He)
Character Appearance: Woolma, in one word, is rapidly unraveling. Whoops, that was two words. A rapidly unraveling, worn, knitted sheep, she can be identified by her signature shock of bright red hair (or is that wool?) on top on her head and body. Consequently, this is the same wool she's been using as yarn in a strong (but futile) attempt to knit herself back together. With her signature chunky turtleneck jumper and her adorable black hoofs that can't seem to do anything right, Woolma is just so huggable! The Crew know this: being huggable as a character can only mean one thing. Plushies - coming to a store near you!

Character Biography: No one tell Woolma that the reason she's unraveling is because she's using the same wool from her body to stitch her own body back together. No one tell her this, because doing so would force her to come to terms with the fact that she can't fix everything. But, rootin-tootin darn it, she's gonna try! From your relationship problems to that anvil that always seems to fall on your head, Woolma is always there. Perhaps… too always there. The embodiment of the phrase “playing hard to get rid of”, Woolma is *always* fussing. It's what she does, you see. You can't change her, and she certainly can't change herself. She's been here since the beginning, after all.

  • bio/woolma_cashmere.txt
  • Last modified: 2024/07/16 10:07
  • by gm_elynor