
Yoinky Sploinky

IC Pronouns: It/They
Player Name: Maisie M.
Player Pronouns: She/Her
Character Appearance: A slinky, with a habit of vibrating and cycling through a rainbow of colours. What’s inside the slinky varies from moment to moment: perhaps a pair of googly eyes may emerge and blink at you; maybe a row of teeth shall descend to nibble at your unprotected lunchbox; for all we know, an endless void might lie at its centre, unknowable and all-consuming.

Character Biography: Star of a more modern ‘Don’t Try This at Home’ segment, sneakiest coil around, and a chaos creature chasing the fun: it’s Yoinky Sploinky! While it is a resident of the Police Stationary, the little slinky always finds a way out – only to come back by choice (or force) to sleep in their comfy bed, in time for the next episode.

  • bio/yoinky_sploinky.txt
  • Last modified: 2024/07/16 10:07
  • by gm_elynor